General Statistics - Markmus
- Total Time Spent Online:
- 56 days, 23 hours and 55 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 8,687 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 8 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 1 votes
Posting Activity By Time
791 posts (9%)
603 posts (7%)
363 posts (4%)
194 posts (2%)
18 posts (0%)
0 posts (0%)
0 posts (0%)
3 posts (0%)
138 posts (2%)
156 posts (2%)
85 posts (1%)
240 posts (3%)
519 posts (6%)
443 posts (5%)
429 posts (5%)
394 posts (4%)
482 posts (5%)
537 posts (6%)
454 posts (5%)
577 posts (7%)
665 posts (8%)
602 posts (7%)
546 posts (6%)
565 posts (6%)
Most Popular Boards By Posts
- Brann
2496 posts of the member's 8687 posts (28.73%)2496
- Kamper
2143 posts of the member's 8687 posts (24.67%)2143
- Tifo, sanger o.l....
273 posts of the member's 8687 posts (3.14%)273
- Bilder og filmer
167 posts of the member's 8687 posts (1.92%)167
113 posts of the member's 8687 posts (1.30%)113
Most Popular Boards By Activity
- Bilder og filmer
167 posts of the board's 2795 posts (5.97%)5.98%
113 posts of the board's 5421 posts (2.08%)2.08%
- Kamper
2143 posts of the board's 133907 posts (1.60%)1.60%
- Tifo, sanger o.l....
273 posts of the board's 23048 posts (1.18%)1.18%
- Brann
2496 posts of the board's 324535 posts (0.77%)0.77%