General Statistics - fortune
- Total Time Spent Online:
- 78 days, 15 hours and 7 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 2,640 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 6 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 3 votes
Posting Activity By Time
100 posts (4%)
18 posts (1%)
4 posts (0%)
0 posts (0%)
0 posts (0%)
0 posts (0%)
0 posts (0%)
9 posts (0%)
24 posts (1%)
50 posts (2%)
128 posts (5%)
167 posts (6%)
156 posts (6%)
136 posts (5%)
164 posts (6%)
156 posts (6%)
173 posts (7%)
135 posts (5%)
157 posts (6%)
190 posts (7%)
236 posts (9%)
254 posts (10%)
187 posts (7%)
199 posts (8%)
Most Popular Boards By Posts
- Brann
1575 posts of the member's 2640 posts (59.66%)1575
- Kamper
669 posts of the member's 2640 posts (25.34%)669
- Tifo, sanger o.l....
61 posts of the member's 2640 posts (2.31%)61
1 posts of the member's 2640 posts (0.04%)1
Most Popular Boards By Activity
- Kamper
669 posts of the board's 133905 posts (0.50%)0.50%
- Brann
1575 posts of the board's 324491 posts (0.49%)0.49%
- Tifo, sanger o.l....
61 posts of the board's 23048 posts (0.26%)0.26%
1 posts of the board's 5421 posts (0.02%)0.02%